Visit Exeter business owners . . . Unlock hidden tax savings in your business property!
Are you due an average of £33,000
in tax savings from HMRC?
Zeal have teamed up with Visit Exeter to help business owners in the region shine a light on the untapped savings hidden in their property by claiming for the ‘embedded fixtures’ that were in the building when it was purchased.Â
As businesses reopen, saving money and growing revenue is key for owners as they head down the long road to recovery. Most business owners we help have been sitting on thousands of pounds for many years which not even their accountants knew about.
On average, we are able to claim around 25%-30% of the cost of your property in allowances – for most of our clients this is around £33,000 per property. Claiming this specialist tax relief could even result in a cash rebate for tax you didn’t know you had overpaid! There are no upfront costs for this service, we simply charge a small % of the allowances we identify for you, once your claim has been approved by HMRC.
We’re offering Visit Exeter members a free consultation with one of our specialists to discover if you qualify. We’ll also provide you with a no obligation estimate of the tax savings you could be entitled to!