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Sykes Holiday Cottages
Members Free Resource Hub

Looking for Holiday Let Tax advice?

Find the answers you need in

the free resources below!

Most popular resource:

As the holiday let industry prepares to deal with the biggest tax changes in more than 40 years, Zeal MD & Tax Director, Matt Jeffery, has written an extensive 43-page eBook to give holiday let owners a thorough understanding of everything they need to know about the forthcoming changes, ways to mitigate the impact on their business, and actions to consider now.

Chapters cover changes to Finance Cost Restrictions, Capital Allowances, Capital Gains Tax, Profit Allocation, Pension Contributions, Business Rates, VAT, Inheritance, Incorporation, and more.


Have you claimed your Capital Allowances entitlement yet?
Read about successful claims for other Sykes Members . . .

01633 499491   |   sykes@gozeal.co.uk

Our energy and enthusiasm is seriously infectious. For new generation tax advice Do it with Zeal.

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